Croatia theme park business plan including feasibility by TDAC

Themepark Croatia


Onze klant is eigenaar van een geweldige locatie in Kroatië. Aan de rand van een canyon, met uitzicht op een steile berghelling, was dit stuk land één van de locaties waar in het verleden bekende films werden opgenomen.

These specific movies are still immensely popular, which made our client wonder if there is a small theme park based on the movies logical at this location, or are there other approaches that would improve the feasibility?

De aanpak:

TDAC, after extensive research in the region, many interviews and of course close cooperation with the client, created a balanced mix of attraction ideas (which still might include the movie theme) and worked them into a business plan including feasibility, which is now ready to be further elaborated by specific design studios.

TDAC will continue to guide the client as client representative through the next phases of the site development.

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