Customers or Guests? What shopping mall operators can learn from the theme park business.

To increase visitor numbers, shopping mall owners try to fill the unrented spaces with attractions, but realise often that this only partially helps to increase footfall. A solution might be to look at other similar industries that are successful in attracting guests; one of these is theme parks.

Our managing partner Bart Dohmen wrote an article about this, which was published at the leading retail and entertainment magazine RLI. Please find a link hier.

or read it in PDF: 2024RLIFebIssue-RetailInsight-Bart

The reason behind the article

At TDAC we often are contacted by real estate and shopping mall owners trying to rebrand their business or upgrade their business by adding shopping mall attractions. The results are very mixed, but in general not really meeting the original business thoughts or hopes. This experience formed the basis for writing the article as a shift in thinking will help to drive business upwards.

Based on our extensive experience in the theme park and attractions world, we at TDAC assist real estate and shopping mall owners with finding their differentiation factor that will make a difference, often without major investments.

Please learn more about our services for the real estate and shopping mall owners hier.