Report: The effect of waterparks on European resorts

The TDAC team includes only senior consultants, but we love and support young professionals and support education in the Local Based Entertainment world. Our managing partner Bart Dohmen is part of the IAAPA education committee and all TDAC consultants provide speeches at conferences worldwide.  

We provide guest lectures at Breda University of Applied Sciences and provide possibilities for graduation studies. A great example is a study on the effect of waterparks at resorts. 

Breda University student Tijn Roovers  graduated with an average score of 8.4 by researching the effect of waterparks on European resorts.

Based on many interviews, desktop research and literature Tijn explains through clear models and analytical thinking in more than 50 pages comprehensive report the effect of waterparks on European holiday resorts. The report includes data, pros and cons and of course conclusions. 

An abstract of the report you can download here. Please contact us for receiving the full report.

End product – Influence of water parks on European holiday resorts – Tijn Roovers

At TDAC we spend a large time on research, we strongly believe in the combination of (academic) research with practical experience. All our consultants have more than 25 years of practical experience in the field. If you like to learn more how you can benefit from our knowledge, please check a link about our services here.